Remembrance Day Program for the City of Windsor

Remembrance Day Program for the City of Windsor

The City of Windsor has a proud tradition of gathering with local veterans throughout the year to pay respects to those who have fallen in military service as well as all those who continue to serve today.

A live Remembrance Day service honouring our veterans and their sacrifices is important, and this year’s in-person commemoration is proceeding with minor adjustments to adhere to public health and safety best practices in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, the City partners once again with the Windsor Veterans Memorial Services Committee (WVMSC), local military representatives, Windsor Police Service, and performing artists for a Remembrance Day program that supports public health while providing a meaningful opportunity to remember our heroes.

We Remember Their Stories

November 1 to 10, previously recorded videos will be shared on social media highlighting local veterans reflecting on their service, stories, and comrades. These videos were produced through the Veterans Memories Project created by the Windsor Historical Society.

Remembrance Day Virtual Conversation

On Tuesday, November 9, at 1:00 p.m., Mayor Dilkens will host a virtual conversation with a group of local veterans, officers and military family members to reflect on the contributions of veterans, their stories, the impact of a life of service on families and loved ones, and the importance of Remembrance Day. The event will be broadcast via Facebook Live at  

Remembrance Day Service

Windsor’s Remembrance Day service will take place on Thursday, November 11, at 11:00 a.m. Representatives of the WVMSC, pre-registered wreath bearers, and government officials will attend the cenotaph in Windsor for an outdoor service, observing all public health guidelines for in-person gatherings. Spectators are welcome to attend in person and are asked to protect vulnerable guests, including local veterans, by respecting best practices for social distancing and wearing masks where distancing is not possible.

For those uncomfortable with an in-person gathering but wishing to participate in the commemoration, the service will be broadcast live on YourTV and via Facebook Live at, making the ceremony available for residents to watch safely from their homes. YourTV will also rebroadcast the ceremony at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Organizations and individuals wishing to lay a wreath this year must pre-register with Ms. Bonnie Burian, Secretary of the WVMSC, by phone at 519-973-4057 or by email at Please note that you may be requested to lay your wreath personally on site after 1:00 p.m. on November 11. 

“Lest We Forget” Remembrance Day Virtual Concert

To help commemorate Remembrance Day this year, the Windsor Classic Chorale (WCC) invites you to view their virtual concert “Lest We Forget” that honours the sacrifices made by our Canadian soldiers in war. The WCC’s video premiered in 2020. The program consists of “Armistice 1918” by Carnahan; “Requiem” by Hella Johnson; “In Remembrance” by Daley; and “After the War,” originally sung in the movie Passchendaele and arranged for choir by Mark Sirrett. The choral music selections are presented alongside readings and images from around Windsor-Essex commemorating our fallen soldiers. This concert is available to enjoy on the Windsor Classic Chorale YouTube channel.


“I am pleased to be able to gather together again this year to pay our respects, pause to reflect, and say ‘thank you’ to the selfless women and men who fought to leave our world safer and better than they found it. We would not enjoy the freedoms we have today if not for their bravery and sacrifice.”
– Mayor Drew Dilkens

“On November 11, as we should every day, we remember those who volunteered, sacrificed, served, fought and died for our freedom. We will never forget them. This year, we will do our part to protect community health and safety with our streamlined in-person gathering. We encourage everyone to find different ways to pay respects, whether it’s by joining us in person, watching the commemoration broadcast, taking time for a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m., or visiting one of our many city monuments or veterans sections of your local cemetery. We look forward to honouring our heroes again this year. We will remember. We will never forget.”  
– Paul Lauzon, President, Windsor Veterans Memorial Services Committee

For more information and details, visit

Media Contacts:

Andrew Teliszewsky
Chief-of-Staff, Windsor Mayor’s Office
Paul Lauzon
President, Windsor Veterans Memorial Services Committee
 Jason Moore
Senior Manager
Communications & Customer Service
(519) 551-9011