Have Your Say on the Next Charles Brooks Memorial Peace Fountain

Have Your Say on the Next Charles Brooks Memorial Peace Fountain

The City of Windsor wants to hear from you on the future Charles Brooks Memorial Peace Fountain.

New information, including a new round of questions that we would appreciate direct feedback on, has been added to our dedicated public engagement website called PeaceFountain.ca, which is full of historical information and opportunities for collaboration.

After 43 years of operation, the fountain needs to be replaced so new memories like Julia’s can be created:

            “Warm summer night, Salsa music, dancers, fountain changing colour, people      enjoying ice cream watching the changing water show. A Windsor symbol of peace, water and family.”

Or this memory from Keith:

            “I always remember the Peace Fountain as a beautiful tribute to Charlie Brooks    as well as a major tourist attraction.”

There are many more memories and comments to be found at PeaceFountain.ca, but we want to hear from you too.

Send in your photos and memories, and we’ll add them to the legacy of this wonderful landmark.

The Charles Brooks Memorial Peace Fountain is the only floating fountain in international waters in the world; it can propel water 70 feet in the air and displays a light show each night from May through October. It’s truly been a one-of-a-kind attraction for Windsor. But 43 years is a long time for machinery, especially machinery in water, and it’s time for a new signature attraction for our city.

Media Contacts:

James Chacko
Senior Manager of Parks
(519) 253-2300 ext. 2763
Jason Moore
Senior Manager of Communications and Customer Service