Public Information Centre: Wyandotte Street East Corridor Review

Public Information Centre: Wyandotte Street East Corridor Review

Windsor residents and business owners are invited to take part in two upcoming public information centres (PICs) to discuss the Wyandotte Street East corridor review from Devonshire Road to Watson Street.

City Council requested that City staff review traffic patterns on Wyandotte Street East and look for opportunities to improve cycling infrastructure. Initial feedback has shown a desire to reduce traffic volumes while also keeping the corridor a convenient commuting route for drivers. Additional cycling infrastructure is also noted, as well as improving on-street parking. More than six kilometres of Wyandotte Street East are being considered for improvements.

To reach a broad audience, the City is pleased to offer two public sessions for area residents and business owners to provide feedback on design alternatives and review priorities for the route.

Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2022Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Time:5 p.m. to 7 p.m.5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Location:Riverside United Church881 Glidden Ave, Windsor, Ontario, N8S 2N6Windsor Bike Kitchen
628 Monmouth Rd, Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 3L1

City staff will be present at both sessions to discuss issues and concerns.

Visit our Wyandotte Street Corridor – Devonshire Road to Watson Avenue web page for project updates.

Media Contacts:

Awele Nwaesei
Transportation Planning Coordinator
Transportation Planning Division
(519) 255-6267 ext. 6831
Jill Braido
Marketing and Communications Officer
Corporate Communications
(226) 347-5608