City and Contract Crews Dealing With Mixed Weather Conditions

City and Contract Crews Dealing With Mixed Weather Conditions

City of Windsor Public Works crews and contractors are on the road responding to today’s mixed weather conditions. This morning, crews worked to open up catch basins across the city to deal with the rainfall we received. As temperatures begin to fall this afternoon, rain will change to sleet and then snow with possible accumulation of up to 30 centimetres.

Clearing of Roads

As rain turns to snow, City of Windsor Public Works and contractors will be responding by applying de-icing materials to the major thoroughfares. Plowing begins once the snowfall accumulation reaches five centimetres.

Once the main roads are clear, and only if more than ten centimetres of snow has fallen, trucks will then move into residential areas. Please be aware that clearing of residential streets can be impacted by parked vehicles on roadways. These vehicles can significantly impede the clearing of residential roads in a timely manner, so if possible, please remove your car from the roadway.

As always, the City of Windsor’s number one priority is making sure roadways are plowed and safe. At this time, residents are asked to be understanding and patient, as clearing could take extra time should staffing issues related to COVID-19 impact service. 

Tips for Motorists

Motorists are asked to be careful when travelling behind a plow and give operators plenty of room. Plows typically operate at up to 40 kilometres per hour. Following too close to a snowplow or cutting between them can lead to poor visibility, and vehicles risk being hit by thrown snow, salt or rocks. Use TLC when driving: T=Time, L=Length, C=Caution! If conditions worsen, please only drive if absolutely necessary.   

Clearing of Sidewalks

Residents and property owners are reminded that clearing of sidewalks abutting their property is their responsibility. The forecast is predicting significant precipitation, so the recommendation is to shovel as often as you are able. If possible, attempt to clear snow deposited at the end of your driveway as soon as you can, as plows may be making several passes during this storm. Please be sure to remove snow completely from your sidewalk to ensure that people with mobility limitations or assistive devices are able to pass through freely.

As well, under the Highway Traffic Act and City of Windsor by-laws, it is prohibited to shovel snow back onto the street while clearing sidewalks and driveways, as this creates unsafe road conditions for motorists. All sidewalks are to be cleared within four hours after the snowfall ends in commercial areas and within twelve hours in residential areas.

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services asks residents to help them help you by keeping fire hydrants clear of snow. In the event of a fire, it will be faster for fire crews to gain access to the hydrant if needed. Residents are also reminded to keep all home exhaust vents clear of ice and snow to ensure proper home ventilation.

Snow Angels Volunteers Needed for Snow Removal

Just a reminder, the City’s Snow Angels volunteer snow removal program is still looking for volunteers. 

To learn more about Windsor’s snow removal operations, visit our Snow Removal page or contact 311.

Media Contacts:

Phong Nguy
Executive Director
(519) 791-5063
Jill Braido
Marketing and Communications Officer
Communications and Customer Service
(226) 347-5608