Author: admin

Huron Church Open for Bridge Traffic Only

While the Ambassador Bridge blockade has ended, Huron Church Road from the E.C. Row Expressway north to Wyandotte Street remains a bridge-traffic-only route. Motorists that are not bound for the United States are asked to avoid Huron Church Road at this time. On a time-limited basis, and until the security situation improves, Windsor Police will…
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Ontario Superior Court Order

After hearings held on Thursday February 10 and Friday February 11, 2022 Chief Justice Morawetz of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction to restrain individuals from establishing a blockade, or in any way impeding access, to the Ambassador Bridge. Effective 7:00 pm on Friday, February 11, 2022, any persons having notice of…
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Free Admission Day at Chimczuk Museum

In celebration of Canadian Heritage Week, Museum Windsor is pleased to announce a free admission day at the Chimczuk Museum on Saturday, February 19, 2022. New donations will be on display including a parlor chair that belonged to a Windsor family descended from formerly enslaved people, and a community quilt that was created by Windsor Essex Sewing…
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Protest Day 3 Remarks Updates

As you are aware, over the past 48 hours, the Ambassador Bridge has been impacted by protestors in amanner similar to what has transpired on Parliament Hill.The difference here is the significant impact on the busiest international border crossing in NorthAmerica, and locally, our own economy in Windsor.I want to spend a moment talking about…
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Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA) and Mayor’s Arts Awards
Seek Nominations and Applications for 2022

The Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA) and the City of Windsor are partnering once again to deliver the 2022 WEA awards and grants celebration as well as the Windsor Mayor’s Arts Awards (WMAA). The biennial awards and grants were last presented in 2020 in a virtual celebration in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. This year, WEA and…
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Community Reminder Focuses on Fire Safe Behaviours to Keep us Alive, Safe and Well

The month of January 2022 was a tragic one in relation to fire deaths. Windsor Fire & Rescue Services responded to two separate house fires that resulted in the death of two adults. Careless smoking played a role in both fires, and disabled smoke alarms were presentin both homes. There has also been a high number of unnecessary fire deaths throughout…
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Clearing of Residential Streets to Begin Friday

The City of Windsor is continuing to clean up following Wednesday’s snowfall and is asking for patience and cooperation from residents in making the best of the ongoing situation. More snow is in the forecast throughout today with additional accumulation possible this evening. Snow clearing crews will move into residential areas on Friday morning. We…
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Winter Storm Response Update
City Libraries and Recreation and Culture Facilities Closed Thursday Until 3:30 PM

City of Windsor recreation facilities, community centres, museums and libraries will close following regular evening programming on Wednesday night and remain closed until 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2022. These closures will delay all aquatics and recreation programming and other facility usage on Thursday, as well as the mobile vaccination clinic that was planned…
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City and Contract Crews Prepare for Snowfall

With the potential for significant snowfall in the forecast this week, City of Windsor Public Works crews and contractors have begun preparing for its arrival. Snow is expected to begin falling Wednesday morning with possible accumulation of up to 45 centimetres over several days. Clearing of Roads Weather forecasters predict the storm will begin as…
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Jackson Park Re-opens as
Bright Lights Windsor Teardown Ends

The Bright Lights Windsor fixtures have been packed up for the year, and as a result, the City of Windsor is happy to announce that the pathways and parking lot at Jackson Park are now open. There are still items in the park that cannot be removed because of frozen ground, including some fencing and…
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