Canadian Army armoured vehicles training on area roads
From February 24-27 2022, Canadian Army Reserve personnel from 31 Canadian Brigade Group participating in the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV) Driver & Maintenance course will conduct mounted reconnaissance driver training along 401, Hwy 89, and in the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden training area. Activities will include single and patrol level movement on planned routes to and from Windsor, London, and CFB Borden, near Barrie.
All activities will happen throughout the day and night on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Members of the public may see military vehicles on the following major highways: 401, Hwy 89, and other county roads north of London and towards CFB Borden in the Barrie area.
Participating soldiers will not be carrying weapons of any kind. They will remain within the area of vehicles, except for any required maintenance and resupply.
This important training is being conducted in order to maintain and further develop the skills of Canadian Army Reserve soldiers in Armoured Reconnaissance operations, and to practice discipline, safety, and effectiveness while operating specific vehicle platforms within the local areas.
All of the soldiers participating will be practicing enhanced Force Health Protection Measures based on, and in addition to Public Health guidelines, including wearing masks, extra sanitizing of equipment and hands, and physical distancing where possible.
All measures are being taken to ensure minimum inconvenience to those in the area. Members of the public are asked to take extra caution when approaching military vehicles and are thanked in advance for their understanding and co-operation.