Ontario Superior Court Order
After hearings held on Thursday February 10 and Friday February 11, 2022 Chief Justice Morawetz of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction to restrain individuals from establishing a blockade, or in any way impeding access, to the Ambassador Bridge.
Effective 7:00 pm on Friday, February 11, 2022, any persons having notice of the Order granting the injunction are restrained and enjoined from impeding or blocking access to the Ambassador Bridge and indirect or direct approaching roadways and access points for ten (10) days.
The Court also ordered that notice of the injunction Order shall be given shall be given as follows:
“… by the creation of a URL whereby this Order can be viewed and downloaded, with the Plaintiff, The Corporation of the City of Windsor, and the Attorney General of Ontario issuing press releases containing the URL linking to the Order and the date, time and location of the hearing date contemplated at paragraph 14 of this Order”
In accordance with the Order of Chief Justice Morawetz issued February 11, 2022:
· The link to view and download the injunction Order is found at: https://mctaguelaw-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/onedrive/ErIE2sIc0HBIh9_tODsToxoBq-UH0sBsvyOFMu7fqIv0WQ?e=qZt6Na
· The hearing of the motion to continue the injunction Order will be held before the Court in Windsor by videoconference on February 18, 2022 at 10:00 am
Media Contacts:
Andrew Teliszewsky Chief of Staff Mayor’s Office (519) 990-3035 | Jason Moore Senior Manager of Communications and Customer Service 519-551-9011 |