Community Reminder Focuses on Fire Safe Behaviours to Keep us Alive, Safe and Well
The month of January 2022 was a tragic one in relation to fire deaths. Windsor Fire & Rescue Services responded to two separate house fires that resulted in the death of two adults. Careless smoking played a role in both fires, and disabled smoke alarms were presentin both homes.
There has also been a high number of unnecessary fire deaths throughout other Ontario communities. This past January alone, Ontario communities have seen seventeen fire deaths in house fires.
None of these tragic fires was from a lack of an effective response; however, they did involve preventable behaviours that we can avoid as a community going forward!
Fire Chief Steve Laforet is urging all of Windsor to please keep the following in mind:
· Ensure you have working smoke alarms on all levels of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Working smoke alarms significantly reduce the chance of injury and death. Remember, having working smoke alarms is the law in Ontario.
· Never leave the kitchen when cooking. Smoking, intoxication and cooking are deadly combinations that we can prevent.
· Never smoke in bed, when fatigued or impaired! When it comes to fatal fires in Ontario, smoking is the leading cause. Always smoke outside, discard smoking products in deep metal containers, and do not leave or throw them on the ground or near any buildings/combustibles.
· Lighters, matches and other sources of ignition must be kept out of reach from children. Windsor Fire recommends keeping lighters and matches in a controlled and locked area.
· Have andpractise an escape plan for where you live.
Windsor Fire & Rescue Services reminds everyone to pay special attention to our behaviours so that the rest of 2022 can be a year of health, wellness and safety from fire. It is everyone’s responsibility to be fire safe and put an end to these preventable deaths!
For more information on fire-safe behaviours or any additional fire safety questions, Windsor Fire & Rescue Services invites you to visit our website and follow us on Twitter@Windsorfire1.
For more information contact:
Mike Coste Chief Fire Prevention Officer Phone: (519) 890-3517 | Mary RodgersCorporate Marketing and Communications OfficerPhone: (519) 562-2427 |